Social Media Marketing

This step is to show that your product is worth talking about. It is about understanding who needs your services and how you can make their life better.

Marketing is as old as politics and as new as Influencers. It is the art of grabbing someone’s attention. There is an incredible number of strategies involving this matter but there is one that never fails. This is not where you SPAM, this is not where you overcharge and underdeliver, it is not begging for clients to be your clients. It is about showing them that what you offer is the best deal and honest deal that they can acquire. It means empathy for the Client and notoriety for the Brand.

I. Strategy:
There is no workaround when it comes to Strategy and Execution. You need clear and specific Goals that will be adapted in the Plan of Action. In this stage we narrow down what the business lacks and how we can accomplish our Goal using the best cost per profit approach. It could mean Increasing Brand Awareness, Driving Website Traffic, Increasing Sales and Generating Leads. 

At this level we will pin down the target consumer and his behaviour. What he desires from your product or service and what he desires less from it. Market Research is key in creating the best Blueprint for our Advertising because you need to know how you are talking to. There is no such thing as “everybody”. You can’t know what to sell to “everybody”.

However you know what to sell to women aged 30-55 who are interested in premium skincare products and have a household yearly income of 36,000 € or more. They put worth in quality ingredients, natural and sustainable products. They are willing to pay a premium price for care products that deliver constant results. They may be busy professionals, mothers and have an active social life. They are interested in maintaining a healthy and youthful appearance. They are active on social media and follow beauty influencers and blogs for skincare tips and product recommendations trends. Meaning they are looking for a luxury skincare experience and recommendations from health experts. With this information you now know who you are talking to, where you should place your ads to have the most visibility and what language and specific words to use to acquire their attention. Although the most important part of this knowledge is that you now know what they need.

II. Content Creation:
You do not need to be on every social platform. Being everywhere will waste your money fast and it’s not a sustainable plan. No one is on every platform, on every trend or on every channel. Your target audience likes their specific routines and quirks and they are proud of that. We will create content that is suited and reflects the target audience. 

III. Community Management:
While the business blooms and becomes ever so bigger, it is custom to delegate tasks and requirements to Departments specialised for that affair. In this sense, we offer the service of curating the business’s social media accounts, engage with their audience and respond to customer queries based on our previously decided tactics and ideals. 

IV. Paid Social Media Advertising:
Our agency will design and supervise the social media campaigns targeted for specific audiences and objectives. This involves creative Ads, Ad placements and optimising Ad performance.

V. Analytics and Reporting:
The information required in handling our strategic outcome is acquired using tools and techniques to collect and analyse data. This includes various software applications to capture, understand and organise the data, performing statistical analysis to display patterns and trends in Social Media Marketing. Creating reports to communicate our insights to our clients.

The role of a good social media marketing agency is to build a successful online presence that connects with the businesses’ target audience in a boundless engagement and ultimately accomplish their goals through social media marketing.

Stay ahead with E Solution Media!

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